Wednesday, January 14, 2009

E train shiny and new, still a gate to hell.

Standing at the downtown E/V stop at 53rd and Lexington, I saw a strange glow rising in the tunnel inbound from Queens. Hoping for the trademark rusty car with round blue E to show its face, I was confused when a red blur came into focus. Could it be? Brand new cars on the E train! At first I thought it was a new N train that got lost somewhere along the way but I stand corrected.

Typical modernized train. Nothing different that what’s running on the N line now, but infinitely better than the used and abused trains from the 70's. I snapped a quick picture with my CrackBerry to prove that it was not a figment of my imagination.

Realize that new trains do not change the fact that the E line is still the Devil’s commute.

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